Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Rising Sun?

Shinzo Abe has become the new Japanese Prime Minister, a nationalist who wants to re-write Japan's pacifist constitution and take a more active role in international affairs.

I think this is a really crucial and vital development in today's era of international lethargy and catharsis. Japan is the world's second biggest economy, a vibrant democracy and pro-American. The parts of the world which still have a faint grasp on reality need bolstering against the appeasers, dictators, Islamists and Islamist apologists. Japan has to start taking up its international responsibilites incumbent on it's status as a highly developed democracy. I think it's time it starts contributing combat troops to international forces such as the force in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban, the U.N. mission in southern Lebanon and many other trouble spots. When so many Western nations are just ignoring their responsibilities in this arena because of the cost, financial, political and human (i.e. dead soldiers), and their plain gutlesness, Japan can be a vital ally for those countries not willing to see Iran become a nuclear power, or let Sudan butcher hundreds of thousands of its own citizens and other such issues which the degenerate, spineless Europeans seem all to ready to accept. What's more, the U.K. and U.S. need to get Japan on the U.N. Security Council as a permanent member to counter the influence of France, Russia and China.

"TOKYO - Japan's new nationalist prime minister Shinzo Abe pledged to repair tattered relations with China, bolster his country's long-standing alliance with the United States and overhaul the pacifist constitution after cruising to an easy victory Tuesday in a parliamentary vote.

Abe's roadmap takes Japan down a path toward a more robust military and more assertive foreign policy, delineating a fresh direction for a leader who, at 52, is Japan's youngest premier and its first born after World War II".

Friday, September 22, 2006

Europe's Surrender to Islamists

A great article here entitled Confronted by the Islamist threat on all sides, Europe pathetically caves in from James Baker in The Times addressing a number of themes I've highlighted recently.

"Last week we had the tragicomic spectacle of European Nato countries lining up to decline politely the request to beef up their forces in Afghanistan, many of whom are now fighting in perilously under-resourced conditions against a resurgent enemy.

Then on Monday Jacques Chirac went to New York to upend the long, delicate diplomacy designed to deny Iran nuclear weapons. He said France no longer thought the UN should impose sanctions if Iran did not end its uranium enrichment programme.

But the scale of Europe’s moral crisis is larger than ever. Opposing the war in Iraq was one thing, defensible in the light of events. But opting out of a serious fight against the Taleban, sabotaging efforts to get Iran off its path towards nuclear status, pre-emptively cringing to Muslim intolerance of free speech and criticism, all suggest something quite different.

It may well be that history will judge that Europe’s decline came at the very moment of its apparent triumph. The traumas of the first half of the 20th century have combined with the economic successes of the second half to induce a collective loss of will. Great civilisations die not in the end because of external force majeure but because internally the will to thrive is sapped".

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Jenny Tonge Promotes Elders of Zion Conspiracy

The despicable Jenny Tonge, a British member of the House of Lords and former Liberal Democrat MP, is exemplifying her anti-Semitism once again. Not content with telling people that she would consider being a suicide-bomber she now tells us that the nefarious Zionists control the West's finances. She said "The pro-Israeli lobby has got its grips on the western world, its financial grips. I think they have probably got a certain grip on our party". Well, of course we do, we want to take over the world, poison wells, kill Christian children and use their blood in our Matzot.

Linked here is a BBC article by Tonge at the time she first started spouting her tripe about how she could understand Palestinians becoming suicide bombers. She came to Israel and took a tour of the shtachim. She said "Someone has reminded me that Samson was the first suicide attacker", meaning "the Jews invented the suicide bomber". I wanted to ask if , given her fervent belief in the bible, she also agreed that God gave the Land of Israel as an eternal inheritance to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their children as stated in Bereishit.

I also wrote an article, published in the L.S.E student paper, about how suicide bombers were caused by indoctrination, brainwashing and hatred not poverty. I sent it to her asking for her comments but surprisingly enough never got a reply.

Stephen Pollard commented "Much as I would condemn anyone who decided to scream Antisemitic Bitch at her, I could understand and would try to understand where they were coming from".

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Israel Continues to Ignore Rocket Defence System

As previously mentioned by the Cantankerous Camel, Israel and the U.S. developed a perfectly good system for shooting down Katyushas. Despite this, the project was mothballed and we were left defenceless against the 4000 rockets that the Hizballah terrorist mass-murderers launched at us. Because of this decision nearly fifty Israelis were killed by Katyushas during the recent war with Hizballah, hundreds of thousands of Israelis fled northern Israel or lived in air-raid shelters for a month and Israel lost about NIS23 or $5billion. Well, the Tactical High Energy Laser system is still lying idle and there is still no official plan to resurrect it.

Is it just me, is it not blindingly obvious that Israel needs this system and quick. How hard can it be to say, "hmmm, yes, lots of rockets were fired at us, we need to prevent this in the future, apparently there's a system which can shoot rockets down, lets buy it and set it up". I mean, I don't think it requires a genius to get to this conclusion.

"A missile defense system that consistently knocked out Katyushas -- the
World War II-era missiles that have killed scores of residents in northern
Israel in recent months -- sits in mothballs at White Sands Missile Range.
Despite the fact that the system has the potential to save lives, there is
no official plan to resurrect it."

President of War-Mongering, Facist, Genocidal-Wanabee, Illegitimate Regime Addresses U.N.

It makes me sick to my very bones that this man is allowed into the U.N. building and given a platform to speak, as if he, his opinion and his regime actually have any legitimacy whatsoever. I don't even care what he said, I haven't even read what he said and I don't intend to. Giving this man and the regime he represents a platform to speak at the U.N. provides him and Iran with legitimacy and recognition that is just not acceptable. This regime supports Hizballah, supports the Islamic Jihad terrorist group in Israel, sponsors violence and unrest in Iraq, plots war with Syria, is permanently trying to export its Islamic Revolution, a central doctrine of its Foreign Policy, undermines stability throughout the Middle East, is trying to establish itself as a regional nuclear-armed super-power and executes, tortures and oppresses its own people in ways to barbaric to describe.

This regime is beyond the pale, it’s a repulsive scar on humanity and the face of the earth and yet its representative to the world is just allowed to stroll into the U.N. and spout any propaganda and nonsense he likes. I just do not understand what is happening to this world.

Islamists Plan War in Somalia

The Islamists who are currently in control of Mogadishu and other parts of southern Somalia reinforced their neo-Taliban credentials by declaring that they would lauch a jihad against any foreign peace-keepers. As mentioned previously on the Cantankerous Camel, the ruling faction in Somalia, the Supreme Islamic Courts Council, is a new Afghanistan in the making and its violent jihadi tendencies are coming to the fore. Watch this space.

It should be pointed out that the countries who are supposed to comprise this peace-keeping force are Sudan, which has butchered millions of its own citizens in the south and west of Sudan and Uganda which only in August of this year tentatively ended a disgusting and brutal rebelion by the "Lords Resistance Army" which lasted nineteen years.

'The Islamic militia that controls much of southern Somalia said Tuesday it will train students for holy war against foreign peacekeepers, an ominous development amid fears that a Taliban-style regime is emerging in the country.'

'"We will fight a jihad (holy war) against them and we will train our students in military tactics', said Fuad Mohammed Kalaf, an education official for the Islamic militia".'

The Pope and all that

The Sandmonkey sums up the preposterous reaction to Pope Benedict XVI's Speech where he quoted a Byzantine Emperor of the 14th Century criticising Muhammad

"In order to refute such lying claims, and to prove that muslims are peacefull people after all, muslims all over have decided to act violently"

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The UN's Shaming in Darfur

David Aaronovitch in The Times discusses the world's failure to stop the Sudanese genocide of Darfurians.

Between 65,000 and 255,000 people in Darfur have died and another million and a half are now exiles. Yet we’ve known about all this for years. Where has the outrage been?

Michael Moore, the [Liberal Democrats'] foreign affairs spokesman, “took up the post in March 2006, and is a leading campaigner against the Government’s Iraq policies” and not much else. “Latest news from Michael Moore”, as of yesterday, included slagging off the Government over Afghanistan and Iraq and slagging Israel off over Lebanon. On Darfur — zip.

But surely the Stop the War Campaign wants the Sudanese Government’s war on its own people stopped? The front page mentions Iraq 11 times, Afghanistan 5 times, Lebanon 5, Darfur 0.

A better question, though, might be about what has happened to the Start the War Campaign — we muscular liberals and others who said “Never again” after Rwanda, but have since been watching “Again” happening in the Sudan.

This week the United Nations must insist that Sudan accept the UN force, or we must accept that the UN can offer no protection from genocide.


Ha'aretz reports that terrorists, "without blood on their hands", freed in the past as part of "confidence-building gestures" on behalf of Israel committed fourteen terrorists attacks and killed 132 Israeli civilians in recent years.

This is indescribable irresponsibility from Israeli governments and it makes me sick to my stomach to think that worthless political gestures to invertate terrorists led to the deaths of innocent people in Israel.

The utterly tragic and despicable thing is that Israel is as we speak negotiating a mass transfer of Palestinian prisoners.

"The organization [Almagor Terror Victims Association] issued a list of 14 major attacks carried out or engineered by released terrorists, including the 2002 Park Hotel attack in Netanya (29 killed, 155 injured), the 2002 Karkur Junction attack (14 killed, 42 injured), the suicide attack at Jerusalem's Cafit Cafe (11 killed, 20 injured), and the 2003 suicide attack at Cafe Hillel, also in Jerusalem, in which seven people were killed and many more were injured".

Gazans Wise Up

People in Gaza seem to finally be understanding who the root cause of their problems is. After numerous and disgustingly cynical attacks on the Karni goods crossing from Gaza to Israel by Palestinian terrorists, icluding Hamas, aimed at forcing Israel to close the crossing and increase Palestinian poverty and thus anger against Israel, a group of Gaza businesses called on the terrorists to stop attacking the crossing.

"We are the ones who gave (Israel) the reasons and opportunities to close the crossing points," Qidwa said.

"Without security, there can be no crossing points," he added, stressing that the blockade had forced many companies to transfer their activities abroad.

The business groups said the situation had "completely paralysed the industrial, agricultural and construction sectors and caused many companies and workshops that provide work for 30,000 people to close."

Churchill on Islamic Fundamentalism

Check out this very good speech by Winston Churchill's grandson...Winston S. Churchill, made to the Jewish National Fund of Australia. Follwing are some nice excerpts, the full article can be found here .

Without hesitation, I concluded that I would grab whatever weapon might come into my hands and fight at the side of the Israelis.

It is clear that the writing is on the wall for Judeo-Christian Europe, as we have known it over the past 2,000 years. Why are the alarm-bells not ringing? Can it be that we would sooner commit national suicide than risk being labelled 'politically incorrect'? Can anyone imagine a comparable situation in reverse being tolerated in Saudi Arabia? The answer is so self-evident, it needs no response.

On 14 June 1921, hard on the heels of the Cairo Conference, at which he [Winston Churchill] presided over the re-shaping of the Middle East, including the creation of modern day Iraq, he warned the House of Commons:

'A large number of [Saudi Arabia's King] Bin Saud's followers belong to the Wahabi sect, a form of Mohammedanism which bears, roughly speaking, the same relationship to orthodox Islam as the most militant form of Calvinism would have borne to Rome in the fiercest times of [Europe's] religious wars.

The Wahabis profess a life of exceeding austerity, and what they practice themselves they rigorously enforce on others. They hold it as an article of duty, as well as of faith, to kill all who do not share their opinions and to make slaves of their wives and children. Women have been put to death in Wahabi villages for simply appearing in the streets.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Blaming the Jews - Hate in Islam (Part 1)

Very interesting documentary on Muslim attitudes to Jews. You can see the rest of the video in parts 2,3 and 4 at You Tube and check out Right Conservative for his take.

Palestinians Attack Churches in West Bank and Gaza

A bunch of thugs have used the Pope's recent speech as an excuse to attack churches. I just don't get it. Why is it that this behaviour is acceptable; that Muslim's go nuts everytime someone says something that annoys them. If the Dhimmis attacked Mosques everytime some Muslim leader said something about the infidel Crusaders and Zionists, there wouldn't be that many mosques left. What I can't wait for is the Christian clegy in Israel and the shtachim to start blaming these attacks on "the occupation".

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Europeans Shirk International Responsibilities - Old News I Know

I am continually amazed by the cowardice and degeneracy of European governments. They act on the international stage as important diplomatic powers but when they have to step up to the plate and take concrete action, it’s a whole other question.

The Taliban are growing ever stronger in southern Afghanistan and NATO desperately needs greater numbers to counter this threat. When this troop increase was requested guess who refused; France, naturally, Spain and Italy being among some of the other culprits. Even the troops they’ve already got their are mostly on peace-keeping missions in the relatively stable north while the Americans are left to do the actual fighting down south. Well we wouldn’t want the Europeans to get their lovely uniforms dirty now would we?

The Europeans should make up their minds; are they committed to international stability or not. If yes then send troops to trouble spots when needed, as they are so badly in southern Afghanistan. If no then they should shut their bloody traps and not deign to venture an opinion on international affairs.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Treason in Israel

Arab MKs visited the totalitarian, Hizballah and general terrorist-supporting, Iranian-allied, war-mongering state of Syria recently in defiance of Israeli law which forbids MKs from visiting an enemy state. A criminal investigation has now been ordered of the three Arab MKs who made the visit. One of them, Azmi Bashara, told the Syrian news agency Sana ‘we are friends of Syria and we will continue to maintain ties with her on a national level, as is our known stance’,

Interior Minister Roni Bar-On on Sunday called on Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni to recall the passports of three Arabs lawmakers who visited Syria without seeking permission from the government.

At Bar-On's request, Attorney General Menachem Mazuz ordered a criminal investigation be opened against Balad MKs Azmi Bashara, Jamal Zahalka and Wassel Taha over their recent visit to Syria.

See full article here

ATLAS Vlogs More Netanyahu

An excerpt from Netanyahu's recent speech to New York University courtesy of Atlas Shrugs

Thursday, September 07, 2006

This Just In...

I was flabergasted. A new report saying that anti-Semitism is on the rise in the UK, especially amongst Muslims. Who would have thought, I mean, I never would have guessed. I thought that when, in two seperate incidents in Leeds and London, two Muslim girls who told me they wished Hitler had done a better job, they were just saying so in a spirit of humour and light-heartedness.

A SINISTER alliance has developed between far-Right groups and Islamist extremists who are united in their hatred of Jews, Israel and Zionism and are contributing to increasing anti-Semitism in Britain.

It found that Arabic translations of Mein Kampf and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were stocked in Arabic bookshops in London.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Rocket Ride (Hezbollywood Remix)

This is a very important story which I didn't mention. Check it our here in brief (the fun version) or here for the full expose of the mainstream media's moral corruption

Iran and the Bomb

Do pardon the lack of posts, the Cantankerous Camel was taking a short break but is now back and grumbling.

Check out this leader at the Daily Telegraph which discusses the ludicrous charade that is the UN. Particularly amusing was Kofi Annan's recent journey to Iran where he announced that Iran was ready for 'serious' talks about its nuclear programme but would not suspend uranium enrichment.

For my part, I am bewildered by the West's utterly craven, timorous and spiritless attitude to this immense threat? It's so blindingly obvious what Iran's intentions are yet the appeasers and capitualtors of the West just aren't willing to do take the requisite action because either they would like to see a change in the balance of power in the Middle East against Israel (which I'm sure France would love) or they are just too gutless to take the painful measures which are needed to solve the problem, severe economic sanctions to begin with (which would badly hurt Western economies because of their dependence on oil) or failing that air-strikes against Iranian nuclear targets which would not be easy and would doubtless incur Western military casualties.

Even the U.S. is clearly very hesitant because of the debacle that is Iraq and the vulnerbaility of that country to Iranian incitement and provocation. Israel is rapidly becoming isolated from the 'international community' regarding the necessity to face Iran down and it seems that the world is now resigned to the fait accompli that Iran will eventually build a nuclear weapon. I forsee the 'international community' abandoning its attempt to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, Israel undertaking a limited military campaign against Iran's nuclear installations with the support but not the participation of America, which may set-back the Iranian nuclear timetable for a few years.

Such an operation by Israel would lead to a renewed attack by Hizballah and probably missile strikes from Syria as well which will cause Israel much damage and many casualties. However, this is preferable to facing a nuclear Iran which would either fire nuclear missiles at Israel or give them to Hizballah, Islamic Jihad or Hamas to do their dirty work for them

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