Thursday, August 16, 2007

UN Security Council to Reject expanded role for UNIFIL

Notice the soldier at the back carrying a gun which he will never use, maybe he needs a paper-weight though?

The Jerusalem Post reports that UNIFIL, the UN force supposedly responsible for peace-keeping in southern Lebanon and preventing arms-smuggling and other Hizballah activities, will not be given a wider mandate to step-up its operations against the flagrant violations of the cease-fire and UNSC Resolution 1701. Well, we wouldn't want to tire them out, give them something to actually do or otherwise bother them would we?

"Report: UNSC to reject Israeli request to expand UNIFIL role

The UN Security Council will reportedly reject an Israeli request to expand UNIFIL's mandate in southern Lebanon against Hizbullah...

According to the report, the Security Council will reject the request due to safety concerns for its personnel on the ground in southern Lebanon. "

Is there a reason they carry guns or is it simply for the photo opportunities?


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