Sunday, February 26, 2006

Twisted Minds

Why would anyone want to turn this.....................into this?

In order to set off a round of death and destruction so as to thwart plans for peace and prosperity stupid!! Dur! Who wouldn't want to destroy a 1000 year old shrine in order to create a wave of sectarian violence, cause hundreds of deaths and plunge your country into near-civil war?

Since the bombing of the al-Askari Mosque in Samarra, Iraq, hundreds of people have been killed in sectarian attacks set off by the bombing of the mosque. This was obviously the intent of the warped minds who planned the bombing and is further evidence that the Iraqi insurgents/terrorists/inhumane scum have truly descended into the pit of humanity.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Name Dropping

So today the French military attache to the French Embassy in Tel-Aviv told me he thinks America is too bogged down in Iraq to bomb Iran. Being French, I do not take his opinions on military affairs to seriously though.

A representative of the Chinese Embassy told me neither his government nor the Russians want Iran to have nuclear weapons but they want to solve the crisis, diplomatically, without sanctions.

A representative of the German Embassy told me he supports the jailing of David Irving. He then told me a joke about suicide bombers. Here it is:

So, there's a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan. An instructor has a suicide bomb belt strapped on and is explaining the process of how to do the deed with his students looking on. He says:

"Now listen up and pay attention. I shall demonstrate this only once!!"

Eh eh eh eh.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


These are Pakistani Women airing their views.(Courtesy of little green footballs-lgf)

“Most Palestinians are moderates, dontcherknow!”

Hmmm, well have a butchers at the most recent poll from the Jerusalem Media and Communications Centre, a Palestinian information centre.

In response to question 18, asking how the respondent feels about “suicide bombing operations against Israeli civilians”, 56.2% of respondents either strongly supported or somewhat supported .

Isn’t that touching.

Freedom of Speech?

Ok, so this is a controversial issue and I'm going to stick my neck out on this one. If a person advocates or promotes violence, this is a crime and cannot be defended by “freedom of speech” as this “freedom” is going to impinge on someone else’s “freedom” to live in security. However, if someone says something which is simply nasty, rude or false, however offensive it may be, that person has a right to say it and shouldn’t be locked up for doing so, as long as he isn’t going to incite anyone to violence by what he says.

Hence, David Irving, however odious a person he may be, really shouldn’t be sent to the slammer for Holocaust denial. Yes, it’s a repugnant opinion to hold and disseminate and yes its thinly veiled anti-Semitism but if we started jailing everyone who hates Jews, prisons worldwide would face critical overcrowding, not to mention the depopulation of much of the Middle East and Bradford (a.k.a. Bradistan).

As Deborah Lipstadt, the American academic who won a libel suit against Irving (and bankrupted him), said “I am not happy when censorship wins, and I don't believe in winning battles via censorship... The way of fighting Holocaust deniers is with history and with truth”.

If we defend freedom of speech for Danish cartoonists then David Irving too has to be extended the same right.

Comments welcome.

Caption Competition - Jew Haters of the World Unite

Right, lets start a caption competition. Come up with the best caption for this picture of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (left) and Hamas leader in exile Khaled Meshaal and win eternal fame when awarded "Caption Comment of the Week" by Cantankerous Camel.

I'll start.

Reporter (offscreen) to Ahmadnijedad: Why did the Jew cross the road...?

Monday, February 20, 2006

On the topic of cartoons

Talking about cartoons, take a look at this great cartoon curtesy of TheReligionofPeace .com Says it all really.

Those Cartoons

Obviously, I'm a bit late on the scene for the whole Muhammad cartoon controversy so I'll simply say check out these cartoons at Tom Gross's website. All I ask is that after viewing them, please refrain from burning down your local Jordanian / Qatari / Palestinian / Omani / Bahraini / Syrian / Egyptian Embassy. Thank you in advance for your non-violent protest.

Aaaahhh, those poor British soldiers

British Defense Secretary John Reid has just expressed his wish that the public, media and BBC in particular show more understanding for the difficult conditions British soldiers face in Iraq due to the lack of moral scruples shown by the insurgency there. Hmmm, I wonder if John Reid would like to see similar understanding for Israeli soldiers fighting an enemy that is waging a feroicious campaign of urban warfare amongst the narrow streets, alleyways and civilian dwellings of Jenin, Nablus and Bethlehem or is it just British soldiers who derserve such sympathy?

Grand Opening...Again. Ahem.

As can be seen bellow, this blog was started quite a while ago but I subsequently got distracted. I will now endeavour to post relatively regularly and anticipate huge volumes of visitors to Cantankerous Camel very soon.

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