Israelis vote for Socialists and Capitulators
Yes, Israel has delivered itself into the hands of the bufoons Peretz and Olmert; Peretz thinks the way forward is to reverse the free-market reforms of Netanyahu, create as many labour restrictions as possible so that we'll have even more unemployment and hence even more people claiming state benefits (which will obviously have to be increased because Israel doesn't spend enough on them already) and increase public spending as much as possible.
Olmert thinks the way forward is to run away from terrorists and create a situation akin to the northern border with Lebanon after the unilateral withdrawal there, where Hizballah continues its campaign of armed incursions, missile strikes and attempted kidnappings against Israel. Clearly, Olmert thinks such a situation is desirable for Israel's future borders with whatever terorrist infested, War-Lord controlled state the Palestinians will ever manage to form. Of course the wonderful thing about unilateralism is the extent of guranatees and controls you can demand from your enemy, i.e. none.
So lets all look forward to the day after Israel's unilateral retreat when the "State of Palestine" will be born as a ready-made failed state which will resemble something like Somalia and run for hundreds of kilometres along Israel's borders and will most likely subvert the original Palestinian state, Jordan, and form a Super terrorist-state to launch the Islamists/Jihadists/Islamo-Fascists ultimate goal of wiping Israel off the face of the map and throwing all the Jews into the sea.
(I'm in a pessimistic mood tonight, if you hadn't noticed).