Wednesday, April 05, 2006

PLESE READ THIS POST - Palestinian Suicide Bombers Unababted

If anyone thinks Palestinian terrorism is waning, think again. After reading just a couple of days ago of the apprehension of a suicide bomber in Shechem (Nablus) I thought that I must have glanced at loads of these types of articles in the past few weeks, it's just that when an attack is thwarted these incidents seem to quickly fade from your memory. I did a check just now and found that in the last month alone over ten suicide bombings have been prevented by Israeli security services, a couple actually inside Israel. Lest you doubt me, here's the list, you can check for yourselves.

In February a double suicide bombing was prevented when soldiers arrested two kids at checkpoint outside Shechem carrying suicide bomb belts.

At the beginning of March, two Palestinians terrorists were arrested by the Shin Bet at the Erez crossing from Gaza to Israel planning to carry out an attack.

On 21 March, a van containing ten Palestinians and 5-7kg of explosives packed with shrapnel was being driven by an East Jerusalem resident towards the Tel Aviv area. The van was halted between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv after high-speed chase. Incidentally, a friend of mine was caught in the ensuing traffic jam.

On 22 March the IDF caught another potential suicide bomber in Ramallah. The bomber was arrested with two accomplices, all three were members of the Fatah Tanzim terorist group.

On 29 March, the IDF captured an 18-year-old Palestinian suicide bomber wearing an explosive belt at the Beka'ot roadblock in the Jordan Valley.

A double suicide bombing was prevented on 2 April when two terrorist suspects were caught in Bet Shean (a town in northern Israel).On the same day another Palestinian was caught with 4kg of explosives just south of Shechem.

Today, 5th of April, a man and a woman were arrested in Shechem and in the nearby town of Bil'in, respectively, under suspicion that they agreed to commit a suicide bombing against Israelis.

Tragically, on 30 March one of these attacks finally succeeded after some kind people gave a hitch-hiker a lift outside the Kedumim settlement. Sadly, the hitch-hiker turned out to be a mass-murderer connected to Fatah and he killed four people including a 16 year old and 19 year old.

That’s eleven, repeat eleven, thwarted suicide bombings from late February to early April, and one successfully carried out. This is what Israelis face the entire time. It is due to the constant vigilance and utter professionalism of the IDF, as well as the efficacy of the security fence, that Israelis aren’t being blown to smithereens every day like they were back in 2002 and 2003. If it seems quiet, it’s because you are not an Israeli soldier serving in Jenin, Ramallah, Beit Lechem or Shechem.

"He Who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - may He bless the fighters of the Israel Defence Force, who stand guard over our land and the cities of our God from the border of the Lebanon to the desert of Egypt, and from the Great Sea unto the approach of the Aravah, on the land, in the air, and on the sea..."


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