Over Saturday and Sunday, Little Green Footballs thought that the Reuters picture (at left) looked a bit dodgy due to the weird repeating patterns in the smoke and some of the buildings which appeared duplicated in different parts of the picture. See here and here for the full story at LGF.
Reuters subsequently pulled the photo, apologised “for any inconvenience” [what? Don’t you mean for fabrication of evidence (ed)] and suspended the photographer in question, one Adnan Hajj.
These incidents just keep stacking up: Reuters photo doctoring, Qana, striking UN posts, Jenin, Muhammad al-Dura, Palestinian corpses falling out of their coffins and then getting back inside, the list just goes on and either the mainstream media MSM is complicit or it just accepts Arab lies hook, line and sinker simply because making the Jews look bad is their agenda. Don’t put up with it people, do not believe the MSM and do not trust it. Anyone living in the U.K. should stop paying their TV Tax...I mean BBC public subsidy...erm, I mean TV ‘License’. Just think about it, your tax money pays for sob-stories about Hizballah and Hamas.
Did I say don’t trust the mainstream media recently? Don’t trust the mainstream media.
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