Teenage Terrorists - Not interesting, apparently
While there's obviously time and space on the BBC's Middle East page for a rambling discussion on the construction of Israel's barrier in Jerusalem, a collection of lovely photos of a sandstorm in Iraq, and an oh-so-relevant article on the disappearance of Iranian cafes in Mumbai, there’s clearly no time to report on two Palestinian teenage terrorists, one 14 the other the grand old age of 15, caught by the IDF at a checkpoint near Jenin carrying eleven different explosives with instructions to blow up the soldiers stationed there. The BBC clearly doesn't feel this is as newsworthy as the 'aroma of freshly baked bread and sweet cake' in Mubai's Iranian Cafes. One of these boisterous whipper-snappers was recruited by the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades so it’s nice to see that Abbas has such full control over his own party’s various branches. The other little mass-murderer-wanna-be, working for Islamic Jihad, said ‘I wanted to destroy Israel’. Charming.
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